Leading the way to a more eco-friendly college community by piloting and promoting green initiatives.

The Green Team is a group of environmentally-conscious students and staff members from all three campuses, led by the Student Voice First Co-ordinator, Cheryl Jones. Their mission is to advocate and communicate green practices throughout the College.

This aligns with the wider College mission of "The Power of 2%". Where possible, we ask staff to think about the small changes they can do to help save energy and resources collectively. Some of the Green Team's current schemes include:

♻ A change to recycling in canteens (piloted at Abingdon campus), such as encouraging students and staff to deposit waste correctly, with 3D examples of what goes where.

♻ Green Teaching Week – a specific week encouraging staff to be as efficient as possible, such as reducing printing, using less materials if possible, or considering car pooling when travelling between campuses.

With more green ideas currently in planning stages, this is just the beginning! The Green Team meet once a month to share ideas and monitor current initiatives. If you would like to get involved in some way, contact Cheryl Jones:

01235 216 377 | cheryl.jones@abingdon-witney.ac.uk

To help reduce our carbon footprint, we have stopped producing and printing large prospectuses and have changed to a smaller fold-out guide, and work with a printing company who specialise in environmentally-friendly practices.