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Find the right course for you, no matter what your ability is

From Introductory courses teaching you basic phrases to use on your holidays, to Intermediate courses building your confidence and improving your pronunciation; we offer language courses at a variety of entry levels.

Regular practice built into your week

Most of our courses are taught weekly at a set time slot, giving you a hassle-free way to build regular practice into your week and ensure your new language skills don’t get forgotten.

We offer classes across Oxfordshire and additionally some lessons online. Our classes are taught in small, supportive environments and you will be taught though a mix of individual and group activities. This combination will help you have time to focus on your written skills, whilst also giving you plenty of opportunity to practice your pronunciation and improve your confidence. No matter what your current level, you’ll be supported by our experienced hands-on tutors who will be there to support you and help you practice in each class.

The most popular courses offered in our part-time provision

Language courses are the most popular courses that we offer in our part-time adult learning provision.

Whether you’ve always wanted to be better at languages, or maybe you want to expand your skills to speak to new in-laws or for work purposes; taking up a new language is a brilliant way to expand your horizons.

From Beginners’ courses in French and German, to Advanced courses in Russian and Mandarin, we offer courses in over 10 different languages.