
Help us to help you to fulfil your business needs. Find out more.


Kickstart your business with our introductory courses

Whether you have been thinking about starting your own business or you’ve got a new idea you want to explore, our introductory courses can help you get your business up and running.

Tools to help you grow

From helping you to finalise your business plan and register your business, to explaining the basics of accounting and social media; our skilled tutors can give you the knowledge and confidence you need to get started.

Our business courses are taught in the evening at our Abingdon Campus, allowing you to explore new ideas without compromising your typical 9-5 routine. Throughout our six-week programme you will apply your newly learnt tools and knowledge to your own ideas, putting into practice what you learn each week.

Embrace the potential of digital marketing and get the most out of each social media platform

Alongside courses to help you launch your own business, we also run six-week programmes on social media for businesses. Whether you are new to social media and want to understand the potential of different social channels, or if you want to learn how to optimise your content, our short course can help.

Our specialist tutors will help you to clarify your goals and explore new ways to maximise your businesses reach.

They’ll help you refine your goals, establish a social media strategy, and teach you how to analyse and reflect on your social media growth.