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Support for you as you support others

A Carer’s Journey can help you gain confidence caring for someone at home, support you to balance your life with your caring role, and assist you with the practical and emotional challenges of caring or being an ex-carer.

£150 funding offered towards part time and evening study

Carers Oxfordshire are offering up to £150 towards any part-time and evening course from Abingdon & Witney College. The offer is available for carers aged 19 and over who support someone living in Oxfordshire.

To sign up for ANY part time course at a discount or for free, simply register for your course of choice at Abingdon & Witney College stating Carers Oxfordshire as your sponsor and fill out the sponsorship form. We will take care of the rest!

A Carer’s Journey has three phases, and each phase has been designed to give you support and hopefully help you feel a little less isolated when life gets challenging. All our workshops are free and available to those aged 19 or over; you can attend the whole programme, or just the workshops that feel most relevant to you. No matter which stage you join, you’ll learn tips and tools to help you build your own personal toolkit for when times get tough.

A three stage approach

A Carer's Journey offers a three stage approach to helping you care for a loved one, whilst ensuring you care for yourself as you do so.

Phase one teaches practical caring at home, you can gain skills and knowledge in safer moving and handling, individual care at home and basic first aid.

Phase two focuses on balancing life and caring, across the five workshops you’ll be taught how to build resilience, emotional literacy, mindfulness and you can even have a go at Yoga for relaxation and aromatherapy and massage.

In the final third phase, reclaiming me, you’ll be supported through the physical and emotional challenges associated with change and life after caring.

Whether you’re facing the loss of someone you love or the difficult decision to move someone into a care environment, our workshops can help support you with the change.