The Your Time to Shine workshops have been developed in a partnership between Age UK Oxfordshire and Oxfordshire Adult learning.
As we get older we sometimes all need to remember that we still have a life that is for living yet at the same time we are often also coming to terms with the challenges that ageing can bring.
Your Time to Shine offers an opportunity for you to think about yourself, try something new, meet new people and have fun. Whether you have recently retired, live on your own, have a chronic medical condition, have been bereaved or just want to discover a new interest or hobby, these workshops are just for you.
These FREE workshops are for anyone aged 60+ who would like to give them a go. They can help you to gain confidence, balance your life, support you with practical and emotional challenges, and help you to learn a skill or hobby.
Your Time to Shine is organised into three phases:

Just for Me
"Solo, but still learning how to…."
Three individual half-day workshops and one short four-week course:
• Cooking for me, myself and I
• Be safe and well at home
• Confidently managing my money
From Me to You
"Helping you to make a difference"
Six individual half-day workshops structured around building confidence and skills to help others e.g. through volunteering:
• Manual handling
• First aid at home
• Food hygiene
• Confidence building
• Mentoring skills
Activating me
"Feeling well, moving more and creating a new you"
Eight individual half-day workshops:
• Mindfulness
• Restorative Yoga
• Posturecise
• Arts and Crafts*
• Photography
• Jewellery Making*
• Hand Massage and Nail Painting*
• Pottery* (Abingdon Campus only)
*Please note: there is a small materials fee
Find out more or sign up for FREE
Workshops are free, available to those aged 19 and over, and you can attend the whole programme or just pick the workshops most relevant for you. Workshops are available throughout 2019 and 2020 across Oxfordshire, including Abingdon, Cholsey, Henley, Oxford and Witney.
We recommend the full Your Time to Shine programme but it’s up to you; you can choose whatever workshops would be most helpful to you, whether it is a specific part of the programme or workshops that are in your local area. Why not sign up and give it a go?
Browse all Your Time to Shine workshops
Feeling nervous about trying something new?
These workshops have all been designed to be friendly and welcoming so why not give them a go, you won’t be on your own. If you feel you would need some support to attend please contact Age UK Oxfordshire on 01235 849434 as they may be able to link you up with a volunteer supporter.
Get a £50 bursary for other Adult Learning Courses
Maybe you’ve always wanted to join a pottery course, or learn a new language, or find out more about your family tree? Age UK Oxfordshire can sponsor you up to £50 against the cost of one of our many part-time courses too! Call Age UK Oxfordshire on 01235 849434 or browse our part-time courses.