The support built in to the Gateway programmes is really what makes the difference and changes young peoples’ lives. You will be taught by experienced tutors who take time to listen and understand; your programme will be designed to enable you to get used to college at a pace you feel comfortable with and our programmes include mentoring and coaching and support you to understand and achieve your goals.
We provide an excellent support and mentoring structure that works with you and that has made a big impact on many students. Your Gateway mentor will work closely with you to help you settle in at college, and help you to achieve your goals.
Gateway supports young people who have been out of formal education to take steps into a vocational education pathway, whatever career they aspire to have.
Our course for 16-18 year olds is designed to support those who have missed a significant amount of their education to overcome their barriers to learning, gain confidence in the college environment and take steps onto a vocational programme – students on this programme will be working at a range of levels and will be offered a personalised programme to meet their needs and aspirations.
We offer opportunities to access education for 14-16 year olds who are Electively Home Educated on a part time programme focused on developing maths and English and preparation for future study on a vocational course – you may also be able to access some practical lessons in a vocational area as part of your programme.
Young people aged 14-16 who are on a school roll can also access college through our school link programmes with some of our local schools – if you are interested in these programmes you should speak with your current school to see if they take part in this scheme.
Progressing from a Gateway programme can lead to getting a part- or full-time job, another course at college, supported training in the workplace, or even an apprenticeship!
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