Looking to switch things up a bit? Sixth form feeling just a little bit too much like school? And by now you will be realising that A Levels are very different to GCSEs and the demands of having to study two or three subjects, when really you want to concentrate on just one, means you are starting to worry that you may not do as well as you know you could do.
If your gut feeling is that sixth form is not what you thought it was going to be then you are probably right - so come and talk to us and see if college will be a better fit.
So what's in it for you?
Well, for one thing our average class size is just 20, meaning you get far more input from your tutor. And that really means something, because your tutor will be a specialist subject teacher who has worked in industry. So the person in front of you really does know what they are talking about and, most importantly, what you need to know and do to get into your chosen career.
Also, you will be taught in industry standard facilities. We invest a lot of time into making sure we are partnered with some of the top names in industry so that we have access to the latest, state-of-the-art equipment and industry practice.
For example, our construction faculty partners with top names such as Worcester Bosch and Crowcon so you will get to learn on their latest products. Our hair and beauty faculty partners with top hairdresser, Lee Stafford, so we can teach our students the latest techniques using the latest products giving you the best opportunity of landing your dream job when you qualify. All of our faculties are committed to ensuring we are teaching the latest, most up to date, industry-specific techniques.
We're not just talking about five days a week in college either - we have apprenticeships with some of Oxfordshire's top employers offering four days a week work-based learning and one day classroom learning, meaning you can earn while you learn and come out at the end of it with the same level of qualification and invaluable industry experience. Your employer will probably snap you up into a permanent job but, if not, you will certainly have the advantage in the jobs market.
Of course, at sixth form your teachers already know you and your strengths and weaknesses, and that can be a bonus. But at college you will be treated like an adult, you will be on first name terms with your tutor and will be far more responsible for your own learning - and that means better preparation for university or work life at the end of your time with us.
You have options.
Call in and talk to us any Wednesday from now until half term. We will be open for you to drop in and talk to a tutor or careers adviser from 10:00am to 4:00pm. We call these drop-in days 'It's Not Too Late' days because we mean it - it really isn't too late.
You can call us on 01235 216 400 or email: enquiries@abingdon-witney.co.uk.