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Meet our Green Team student lead – Alex Thornton!

10th Nov 2021

Each year our Student Voice First team implement a ‘Green Team’. A group of environmentally conscious student reps and staff members from all three campuses. Their mission is to advocate and communicate green practices throughout the College.

Some of the Green Team's current schemes include:

♻ A change to recycling in canteens (piloted at Abingdon campus), such as encouraging students and staff to deposit waste correctly, with 3D examples of what goes where.

♻ Green Teaching Week – a specific week encouraging staff to be as efficient as possible, such as reducing printing, using fewer materials if possible, or considering carpooling when travelling between campuses.

We caught up with the Green Team lead Alex Thornton, a 2nd-year media student, to discuss his thoughts on environmental issues and COP26.

Alex Thornton
Alex Thornton Green Team Lead

What made you join the Green Team?

I have always been environmentally conscious in my own life, and I try to be the best I can be for the environment. I was offered a lead role and the green team was most interesting to me.

What are your thoughts on COP26?

It’s really good that it's being spoken about on a big platform. We will start to see the effects of the promises made and what is implemented in a few months down the line.

What is your biggest environmental issue and what are your top goals to help the environment?

The biggest environmental issue for me is food waste because of methane production. Reducing food waste, everyone driving electric cars and cheaper more accessible public transport are the top goals for me.

What could the college be doing to be greener?

Carbon labelling. Labelling all lights and sockets etc showing the carbon impact of leaving them switched on.

What were your first impressions of the college’s green efforts?

My first impressions were that the college is very good with environmental issues. The previous green team’s implementation of the waste station is great.

With more green ideas currently in the planning stages, this is just the beginning! The Green Team meet once a month to brainstorm ideas and monitor current initiatives. If you would like to get involved in some way, contact Cheryl Jones:

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