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College unites to support terminally ill student

27th May 2021

Taylor Benfield, a promising Motor Vehicle student at Abingdon & Witney College, who has spent years battling cancer has sadly been given a terminal diagnosis.

Taylor Benfield was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma a rare cancer, at the age of 12. Despite this, he continued with his education and is currently studying Motor Vehicle Maintenance at Abingdon and Witney College. Unfortunately, Taylor's condition has worsened, and further treatment has not been successful. Abingdon & Witney College staff who work closely with Taylor are fundraising to allow him to make precious memories with his family and to assist his family financially during this difficult time. The funds raised will enable Taylor to experience some of his dreams.

Hearing this tragic news, Taylor's teachers ignited fundraising efforts to support him and his family.

Jo Woolford at Abingdon & Witney College said:

“I have worked at the college for ten years and it's always been such a supportive happy environment. The College always invests in its people and this story shows the remarkable teamwork and community spirit to raise such an amazing amount of money for such a lovely student. He is not only a family friend but a student who was on a journey to become a mechanic with an outstanding teacher, Jonathan Sloan, who invests in all he does to change lives”

Shane Munford, Head of Faculty; Technology said:

“It has been extremely heart-warming to see the efforts of Jonathan Sloan (Course Leader), Joanna Woolford (Teacher), Abingdon and Witney College staff and local businesses have gone to to raise this sum of money for such a brave young man. Our thoughts are with Taylor and his family at this difficult time”

Thank you also to these local businesses who have kindly donated gifts to raffle off:

Simpsons Estate Agent

Willow's Milkshake

Dil Raj


The Nags Head

Abingdon Beds

Wax Whiff

Sam’s Cakes and Bakes, Faringdon

DC Valeting

Costa Abingdon

Let's rally together as a community and reach our goal to support Taylor and his family.

Donations can be made here.

Taylors teachers holding donations
Taylors teachers holding donations to date