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7th Oct 2015
Abingdon and Witney College were thrilled to be able to open their brand new Construction Centre at their Witney campus this week. The Centre, which cost a total of £2m, is part of a larger £23m refurbishment project spanning across both of the college’s campuses.
Students and staff gathered this Tuesday to officially open the building, sawing their way through the official red ribbon. Students are particularly excited to start working in the building, Joe Kaluza a Level 2 Carpentry student said “The new building is fantastic – we can now work on much larger projects such as roof racking. I’ve realised that this course is really going to give me the skills I need to make a career in carpentry.”
Another Level 2 Carpentry student, Tom Hatwell, added “Over the last year we have been watching, with anticipation, the Construction Centre taking shape and now it’s finished, it’s great to be working in a brand new building. We’re actually building resources that our fellow students will use over the next few years, it’s an amazing sense of achievement when you build something to last!”
Neil Brayshaw, Head of Faculty concluded “The completion of the Construction Centre at Witney will allow us to deliver carpentry, plumbing and electrical installation courses and build on our apprenticeship success as the number 1 in England for timely success rates, by offering new apprenticeship programmes in painting and decorating, site carpentry and bench joinery”.
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