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Agriculture Level 2

Course code: P01502

Subject area: Agriculture

Study level: School Leaver

Course level: 2

Course details

Course time:

09:30 - 16:30

Days of week:

Monday to Friday

Course date:

8th Sept 2025 - 3rd Jul 2026

Course location:

Common Leys Farm

Contact details


01993 208 148

This is a one year, Level 2 course designed to give you an excellent introduction to working in agriculture. The course has a good balance of theory and practical modules to help you learn and practice the skills needed to work in the farming industry. You will get hands on with the college sheep, cattle, pigs and poultry.
You will be based at the Common Leys Farm campus where we have a range of livestock and agricultural machinery. You will get to use the new livestock technology centre fitted with up-to-date production farming equipment. You will get hands-on with lambing our ewes and have the opportunity to assist with showing and selling of the college stock. You will also visit and have access to local farms, where you will see a range of different animal and crop husbandry methods. Students will be working towards a study programme that will include their main vocational qualification, skills in English and Maths, tutorials, enrichment and work experience. These are essential skills for employment. Students will usually attend College 4-5 days a week from 9.30am - 4.30pm. Additional enrichment activities will be undertaken that will develop your employability skills and you will attend trips and visits to relevant agriculture establishments.

Course units
Modules may include:

• Work Related Experience

• Environmental and Land Based Business

• Farm Animal Production

• Land Based Machinery Operations

• Estate Maintenance

• Animal and Plant Husbandry

What next?
On successful completion of the course including achievement of grades 4 in English and Maths, you may be suitable for progressing to a Level 3 course.
Entry criteria
4 GCSES at Grade 3 including English, Maths and Science(Combined or Biology) OR a Level 1 pass in a related subject plus English or maths, and both subjects must be at least grade 2 / Level 1 Functional Skills
Fee information
In addition to the main course fees given below there is an additional cost of £150 for kit / clothing and £80 for trips and visits. (Costs are given for guidance only.)

As part of your course we may organise trips to assist you with your learning. Trips are optional, and you will not be penalised if you choose not to participate.

There are bursaries available to help you with other course costs. Call 01235 216 212 for more information.

The rules on fee reduction are complicated and we would encourage you to talk to our Admissions staff on 01235 216 400 to discuss your options. You can find more information on our Fees and Bursaries page - search "Fees and Bursaries" at the top of the page.

16-18 Fee:


19+ Fee:


19+ Reduced Fee:


Qualifications received
Level 2 City and Guilds Diploma in Agriculture.
Learning & method assessment
Assessment is via assignment, multiple choice computer based exams (GOLA), a portfolio of evidence, and practical tasks.
User skills
Students will develop a wide variety of basic skills that will help to prepare them to work within the agriculture industry including knowledge and practical skills of livestock handling and crop production.